Friday, March 14, 2014

Jack the Ripper-The Mysterious Murderer

  The Mysterious Murderer - Jack the Ripper (Part 1)

jack the ripper-the mysterious murderer
Jack the Ripper
   The mystery that could never be solved. Who was this mysterious murderer, who not only killed but carved the bodies of his victims like an expert surgeon? There were many theories regarding his identity and motive, but the truth could never be found out. For three months this devilish killer created terror in the East End area of London. Only the poor, famished and economically weak people lived in this section of London. Living a life that could only be described as living hell, the knife of Jack the Ripper added terror and misery to it. All his victims were prostitutes who roamed the streets at night selling their bodies for a small amount of money. He was brave enough to write mocking letters to the police daring them to arrest him. Once, he sent the kidney of his victim in a parcel, claiming that he had fried and eaten the other one. And then, the murders stopped as suddenly as they began.

   It was called the Bank Holiday Monday. It was on this day on August 6, 1888, that a mysterious murderer made his debut in the East End area of London. Soon, it came to be known as “Black Monday”, as Jack the Ripper committed his first murder on that day. It was not that murder was something uncommon in the area. But, the brutal and horrendous manner in which it was carried out sent shock waves throughout London. From then on for three months, London’s East End lived under the terror of this devilish killer who selected only prostitutes as his victims. It was in this hellish atmosphere that Jack the Ripper knifed six prostitutes to death for no apparent reason.

   The horror and terrible nature of these murders cannot be measured by their number. The cruel and horrible manner in which these hapless women had been carved and cut up sent shock waves. His first victim was 35 years old Martha Turner who had been drinking with some soldiers in a riverside pub. Her sliced body had thirty nine wounds and was discovered on Tuesday morning near George Yard Building on Commercial Street. The police did not act with speed and treated it as an ordinary murder. Actually, the police had very cruel attitude as far as crime in East End was concerned as they treated this area as crime spot. The doctor who examined the body opined that “whoever it was, he knew how and where to cut.”
jack the ripper-mary ann nichols
Mary Ann Nichols

   After the first murder on August 6, 1888, Jack the Ripper struck again after twenty-four days. The time he chose Mary Ann Nichols, a prostitute aged 42 years. Mary Ann Nichols was quite unattractive and had five front teeth missing. Mary Ann Nichols was last seen alive near Bucks Row in an intoxicated state. Her disemboweled body with throat cut across was found at four in the morning. The newspaper Star reported, “No murder was ever more ferociously and more brutally done. The knife, which must have been a large and sharp one, was jabbed into the deceased at the lower part of the abdomen and then drawn upwards, not once but twice. The first cut released at the right, slitting up the groin and passing over the left hip, but the second cut went straight upward, along the center of the body and reaching to the breast-bone. Such horrible work could only be the deed of a maniac.” At the investigation on Mrs. Mary Ann Nichols it was suggested that the killer could be left-handed.

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