Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mata Hari, The Most Famous Woman Spy in History

mata hari-the most famous woman spy
The Most Famous Woman Spy

   The Most Famous Woman Spy in the History - Part 1

   The word Mata Hari means the “morning star”. A Dutch beauty called Gertrud Margrete Zelle had unsuccessfully tried to change the course of the First World War by working as a spy under the name of Mata Hari. She is the most well known sex spy of the modern age. She worked for German as a spy. The strongest weapon which she had was her unique sensual beauty which held great attention for the opposite sex. The French shot her dead after charging her with spying, but many experts believe that in spite of all her efforts Mata Hari never succeeded in finding out any very important secret. Another group feels that she was an extremely dangerous professional spy and she had not been shot dead, the outcome of the First World War would have been quite different.

   After learning the Hawaian dance in Java she became a cabaret dancer in Paris. There she would entertain Army Officers with her dances all through the night, she would send to Germans. In the list of Germans Spies, Mata Hari’s name bore the code number “H-21”. Even today there is a controversy whether Mata Hari succeeded or not in securing any vital information from Paris, Berlin and Madrid, the places where she was worked as a spy.

   In 1916, Mata Hari had been arrested by the British Secret Service in Falmouth, England from where she was going to Netherlands. There she was warned that if she did not give up attracting Army Officers by her sexual advances, she would be punished cruelly. Mata Hari did not heed this warning. Consequently she had to face the fire spouting machine guns of the Firing Squad.