Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Ian Fleming - The Creator of James Bond

    The Creator of James Bond - Ian Fleming (Part-2)

the creator of james bond-ian fleming
Ian Fleming
   Between the years 1939 and 1945 Germany and England were fighting a psychological battle. The German side was headed by Adlof Hitler’s propaganda minister, Paul Joseph Goebbles and on the other side there was the British Secret Service. Goebbles had instructed his astrologers to predict Adlof Hitler’s progress and victory, whereas the astrologers engaged by the British Secret Service were told to predict his downfall. Ian Fleming got some faked editions of certain German magazines printed which carried predictions about Adlof Hitler’s ultimate destruction. These magazines were cleverly circulated in Germany. The Nazi leaders read them and felt very much afraid. The War Office of Britain received all this information from Louis de Wohl, a German refugee. Rudolf Hess was all this time surrounded by a battalion of personal astrologers. Ian Fleming thought to enter into this circle somehow.
the creator of james bond-duke of hamilton
Duke of Hamilton

   Ian Fleming reconstituted an organization called “The Link”, which worked for British-German amity with bases at Lisbon and Tangier. He also had the information that to complete with Adlof Hitler’s chief of Spies, Admiral Kanaris, Rudolf Hess had his own secret service organization, which was very active in Lisbon and Tangier. He made it known to the people of the organization of Rudolf Hess that some influential English Lords were clearing the way of Britain and Germany to become friends. In the meanwhile, he sent one of his own agents, as an astrologer, into the circle of astrologers in whom Rudolf Hess had complete faith. This man gave Rudolf Hess imaginary predictions. He told Rudolf Hess that the Duke of Hamilton, who was in Scotland, wanted Britain and Germany to become friends.

   Ian Fleming thought of the double benefits of this plan. Since the Duke of Hamilton was in Scotland, Rudolf Hess would have no doubts about meeting him. Secondly, the agents of Rudolf Hess could have no access to any information regarding the Duke of Hamilton, as the Duke’s personality was beyond any shadow of doubt.

The Miraculous Japanese doll Kiku

        The Miraculous Japanese doll Kiku

japanese god of good luck
Japanese God of good luck

   If you ask, “What is the connection between a curse and the victim’s clothes, house, car, pen, etc.?” the simple answer of this question, “Obviously nothing”, a scientific mind may claim. Yet there are many records of houses, cars, castles, particular types and color of clothes that seem to have brought unimaginable disaster to their owners. What exactly is the connection between them?

   There is a very interesting story of a statuette of a half-naked fat man. This idol was the Japanese god of "Good Luck". It was at display in a junk shop, when a middle-aged English couple, Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Lambert, saw it and bought it at a very low price.

   With the position of the statue, a long trail of ill-luck visited them. unfortunately "Good Luck" became "Ill Luck" for them. Both of them suffered from various diseases. They kept on suffering from one disease or the other till the god of "Good Luck" stayed with them. Finally some good sense prevailed on over them and they could sell it to a Japanese manager of an eastern art shop. The couple never entered that shop again.

   Such cases abound. One wonders at their queerness and ask: what exactly is the connection between an object and its owner? Psychologists and analysts explain that there is something in the attitudes of such people. Such people, researchers explain, develop a negative attitude and have a feeling that "something bad" is going to happen. Hence, it has been suggested that possibly the accidents occur due to the prejudices existing in the victim’s unconscious mind.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

The creator of James Bond - Ian Fleming

     The Creator of James Bond - Ian Fleming (Part-1)

the creator of james bond-ian fleming
The Creator of James Bond, Ian Fleming

  Ian Fleming is known all over the world as the creator of “James Bond”. In real life he was a spy and a clever person too. He is the person, who succeeded in making a fool of the Nazi leader, Rudolf Hess. During the Second World War Ian Fleming displayed the cunningness of a fox and the strategy of a spider spinning a web. His acts were such that they seemed to exceed those of James Bond, the child of his imagination. One of his rare achievements was to bring Adlof Hitler’s right hand and his deputy, Rudolf Hess to defect to Scotland. He achieved this remarkable feat by taking advantage of Rudolf Hess’s blind faith in superstition.

   The very mention of the world “spy” brings to mind the name of “007” British Secret Agent, James Bond. The creator of this imaginary character was Ian Fleming, who himself was a highly successful British Secret Agent before and during the Second World War. It was after his retirement that he created the hero of his novels, James Bond and began his career as a detective fiction writer. Ian Fleming’s own experiences as an international spy and his own activities become the basic of the character that he created. During his active years in the British Secret Service he did something of an outstanding nature which ended only in the year 1987.

Thursday, November 28, 2013

The Miraculous Car of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

  The Miraculous Car of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

The Miraculous Car of Archduke Francis Ferdinand
The Miraculous Car of Archduke Francis Ferdinand

  If you ask, “What is the connection between a curse and the victim’s clothes, house, car, pen, etc.?” the simple answer of this question, “Obviously nothing”, a scientific mind may claim. Yet there are many records of houses, cars, castles, particular types and color of clothes that seem to have brought unimaginable disaster to their owners. What exactly is the connection between them?

   The world of unnatural happening is really unbelievable. Luck or ill-luck seems to be surrounded in certain objects: clothes, cars, houses, pens, art-pieces, etc. there is no scientific theory about them, yet the strange incidents have been reported throughout the world and are found connected with them.

Wednesday, November 27, 2013

The Ghost – is it real or our imagination

       The Ghost

the ghost is it real
The Ghost

   The ghosts are visible in the form of spirits devoid of human characteristics. Their sights are airy and can’t be touched by our hands. The ghosts of the parson are unearthly. It can’t be seen and also heard if the arrival of the ghost is accompanied by certain sounds or meaningful remarks.

   The illusion or phenomena of ghosts have interested man since ages past. But now we have begun to find out scientific reasons for there existence. Some of the parapsychologists are busy in analyzing them by using few scientific techniques.