Thursday, August 7, 2014

Coincidences and Life

     Life and Coincidences - Part 2

Dr. Paul Kammerer-coincidences

   Much later in the 20th century, Dr. Paul Kammerer scientifically conducted his experiments for days and months by recording people’s talks and also noting down the details of their personality inclusive of their age, sex, dress or any other relevant characteristic thereof. Finally Dr. Paul Kammerer published his conclusions in the form of a book entitled, “The Law of Seriality”. In this book he had come to the conclusion that coincidences came in series and they were a kaleidoscopic exhibition of various unknown cosmic forces.

   After Dr. Paul Kammerer, two European minds combined their efforts. These two men were Wolfgang Pauli and the Swiss psychologist and philosopher Professor Carl Gustav Jung. Both of them deeply researched the controversial topic and concluded that coincidences were nothing but "the visible traces of the untraceable principles”. A single mysterious force at work in the universe tries to harmonize the disharmonized life. Thus it imposes its own discipline over the confusion and disorder of human life.

Wilhelm Canaris- The Man was responsible for the rise and fall of Hitler

Wilhelm Canaris- Who was responsible for the rise and fall of Adolf Hitler (Part-2)

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Wilhelm Canaris

   In 1929 Wilhelm Canaris met Goering, the right hand of Adolf Hitler. Goering brought him in Adolf Hitler’s contact. This helped Wilhelm Canaris to change into the Nazi way to thinking. He now fully devoted himself to the progress of the Nazi party and also of Adolf Hitler. He knew that the Nazi party would not be able to come to power so easily. His especially clever and tricky mind set to work on organized plans of overthrowing the existing ruling party. The first step was to make use of the espionage department of the Weimer Republic for the Nazis. This was a terrible action on his part. He sold several strategic war secrets to Italy and collected money for party work. Using all his espionage skills he prepared reports of all the high ranking officials of the Weimer Republic. He stole the secret documents of the Chancellor and it was on this basis that Hitler threatened to organize an uprising of industrialists and landlords against the proposal of land reforms. All this resulted in so much of confusion in Weimer that President Hindenberg decided to dismiss the Chancellor and Adolf Hitler was given that post.

   In spite of doing all this, Wilhelm Canaris never came to the forefront. He preferred to remain in the background. He neither took part in meetings nor was his name or photograph ever published in any newspaper. He always remained a figure shrouded in mystery. No room of the Secret Service Department had his nameplate. He never used the common exits or entrances. He entered the officers through a secret door. People working in the same office did not know where his seat was. For them he was an ordinary man who lived in a far off south corner of Berlin.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Life and Coincidences

Life and Coincidences-Part 1

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Pope Paul VI

   First of all, we should understand, what is coincidence? How and why does it happen? So far nobody had been able to figure out the reasons behind them. Almost everyone has experienced the effects of this phenomenon in his or her life at one stage or the other and surprisingly enough, coincidences occur even in most insignificant things of life.

   A young ambitious actor was to appear before an interview board. It was a golden chance for him to prove his determination. But the book from which he was to prepare his role was not available to him. He searched for the book everywhere, but he could not find it. Ultimately, with great disappointment, that young actor was boarded the city bus to return home. In the bus a middle-aged man, who was carrying some book, stood by him. As the bus became over crowded, the man requested him to hold some books for him. But when he got down, that man just forgot to take back those books.

Saturday, July 12, 2014

Wilhelm Canaris- who was responsible for the rise and fall of Hitler

Wilhelm Canaris - The man who was responsible for the rise and fall of Hitler (Part-1)
wilhelm canaris-nazi chief of espionage
Wilhelm Franz Canaris

   The story of Wilhelm Canaris goes to prove that life can change its courses in very many surprising ways. Wilhelm Franz Canaris started life as an ordinary rating I the navy and was made an Admiral by Hitler in the year 1939. The reason for this was the role that he played by his espionage activities, which laid the foundation of Hitler’s rise to power. And only after six years of that, it was Hitler who ordered him to be put to death cruelly in the year 1945. This was because he had played a different role which put the last nail in Hitler’s coffin and as a result changed the course of history.

   On the 8th of April, 1945 at 5 a.m. a prisoner was brought to the Nazi Concentration Camp of Flossenberg in Germany. There was not a strip of clothing on his body which was covered with black and blue marks, evidence of cruel and horrible punishment inflicted on him. After a short while the Gestapo put him on the way to a slow and very painful death by butchering him with a thin piano wire wound around his neck. The horrified people watching this gruesome scene, were those who, only a few days before, had been saluting the prisoner every day. This prisoner was none other than the Nazi Chief of espionage-Wilhelm Canaris.

Sunday, June 22, 2014

Strange Mysteries from Ancient World

  Strange Mysteries from the Ancient World - Part 2

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   Now we will tell you another story from China, about a forgotten tomb.

The Forgotten tomb:

   It was the first day of the last month of the year 1952. Laborers were busy making sports field in the Jiangsu Province. Since the sports field was to be made for the Jingvi Middle School of Vixing city, the land was chosen very cautiously. The chosen piece of land was surrounded by an rectangle small hill and had four mounds. It was indeed difficult for laborers to remove the mounds. However, laborers were busy doing their work as usual. When suddenly, a labor shrieked with astonishment for his spade had struck a thin layer. There a hole was visible. Everybody peeped inside, and even in darkness they could see some peculiar objects inside.

   The inexperienced laborers were frightened. They quickly called the police. The police went down the small opening and announced to everyone’s surprise that a major archaeological discovery had been made. The place was sealed and soon archaeologists thronged the place. The excavation started and it became clear that the place was a tomb, and there were two tombs instead of one. The tombs had been built in a peculiar style. Each tomb had a chamber which had an arched roof and was constructed of wedge shaped bricks. On it there was a square slab. While some bricks covered the floor, the roof was covered with faces of animals.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

The Spy Scandal of Group-47 in France

   A massive espionage activity was caught very gently

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Map of France

   By nature, the French are very liberal, tolerant and accommodating nation. Even in matters of espionage, they do not lose their heads, unless something very serious matter is involved. They also do not make noise over these matters. That is the reason that such a big spy scandal involving such a large number of people did not find much space in the newspapers during the time of cold-war.

   In April, 1983, forty diplomats posted at the Russian (Soviet Union) Embassy in Paris and seven other persons got orders to leaves France immediately. Amongst them was the First Counselor Nicholas Chetverikov. The French government charged that those people were all engaged in objectionable activity. They wanted to establish a purely leftist government in France.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

Strange Mysteries of Ancient World

   Strange Mysteries of Ancient World - Part 1

   The giant glass slab discovered in a cave in Galilee (Israel) puzzled the modern man. The measurements showed that it was the third largest piece of glass ever made. The other two were made in 1934. This piece was 1,000 years old.

   So what was that giant glass slab doing in a cave? Who created it at that time and how the incredible feat was achieved?

   The other puzzling archaeological mystery is about the Chinese aluminium. It was discovered accidentally by the laborers in a buried tomb. And the mystery amazed archaeologists and scientists for quite some time, as it made historians reconsider historical facts all over again.

The Amazing Glass Slab:

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The Giant Glass Slab of Galilee
   With the new archaeological finds, the mysteries of the past are growing more and more complicated. The 20th century man is astonished to know that even during earlier times, man was quite advanced and has left behind such stupendous artifacts and buildings which are, technically speaking, mysteries to this day. And one such enigma is the great glass slab of Galilee.

   Local authorities had decided to convert a cave at Beth she’arim into a museum. The cave generated a lot of interest and speculation because it was situated at a site of an ancient city, where the Jews were cruelly buried in catacombs. The soon began in full vibration. At the time of mining, the cave was used as a water tank and was badly silted up. A bulldozer had to be called to clear up the mess. The bulldozer had hardly started cleaning up when suddenly the machine stopped in the middle of the floor. A large slab had struck it. The authorities of the museum liked the slab and preserved it as an item of display.

   The cave that was newly turned into a museum was opened to public and surprisingly for years the slab was used as a stand on which the model of the building was pointed out. Visitors came and passed by the slab, noticing only the model. Thus the slab remained there for years unnoticed and neglected.

Friday, May 23, 2014

Spy Scandal-Stealing of Atomic Secrets

    The Stealing of Atomic Secrets - Part 2

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Dr. Alan Nunn May

   Igor Gouzenko was removed with his family to a safe place. He had informed that the code names of the British scientists who leaked out information about the atom bomb were Alec and Golia. The western intelligence agencies intercepted a telegram from the Soviet embassy in Canada which informed Moscow that Alec was proceeding to London.

   It was immediately identified that this Alec was none other than Dr. Alan Nunn May. He was a passionate Communist. He worked at Tube Alloy Projects which was a code name for the atom bomb project. It was decided to shift the atomic research project to Canada for better safety. Then it facilitated better co-ordination with the American project. Dr. Alan Nunn May was in contact with Colonel Zabotin, the GRU officer in Ottawa. For two and half years after 1943, Dr. Alan Nunn May made frequent visits between Chalk River and Montreal. He also visited the American project at the Argonne laboratory in Chicago. Dr. Alan Nunn May was supplied information about atomic energy and Uranium. He gave the Russians a report about the A-bomb trial at New Mexico and also supplied a sample of Uranium-235. He was arrested in March 1946 and sentenced to ten years imprisonment.

   Another principal character in this drama was Emil Julius Klaus Fuchs. He revealed to the Soviet Union details of construction of atomic and plutonium bombs. It is said that he was involved in making the Russians catch up with research in atomic weapons in the western countries. He was also employed in Tube Alloy Projects. He used to make reports to Simon Kremer of the military attaché’s department at the Soviet embassy in London.

Sunday, May 18, 2014

Peter the Great-The Tsar of Russia

   Peter the Great - The Emperor of Russia (Part-3)

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Peter the Great - Tsar of Russia

   Peter asked Alexei Petrovich to retire to a monastery and threatened to treat him as a criminal in case of his refusal. Alexei did not refuse and sent his acceptance immediately. Peter was puzzled and in the meantime, he reached Copenhagen at the head of a victorious army. In August 1716, he wrote to Alexei from Copenhagen to again retire to a monastery or report to him in the battlefield. Alexei decided to go to Copenhagen and as soon as he crossed Russia’s boundaries and he instead of heading towards Copenhagen, reached Vienna and beseeched his wife’s brother-in-law, Charles VI, to grant him refuge. Charles sent him, near Naples for safety. But Peter would not tolerate his son’s escape. On the one hand, he assured Alexei Petrovich forgiveness if he returned to him and, on the other hand, he threatened to occupy the Roman Empire by force in case Charles did not surrender and extradite Alexei.

   Alexei Petrovich was left with no option. Charles dared not incur the wrath of the Tsar. Thus, Alexei returned to Moscow on January 31, 1718. On February 3, Peter assembled high clergy and state officials and Alexei name all those who had helped him in his escape to Vienna, if he wanted to attain Peter’s forgiveness. Alexei had nothing to hide as he was not hatching a conspiracy against his father. He disclosed the requisite names. He also agreed to renounce his right to the throne in favor of Catherine’s son, Peter.

   Peter was in his fury and he alleged that Alexei’s mother, Eudoxia Lopukhina, was involved in this plot. He asked for the nuns from the convent in which Eudoxia was incarcerated and had them flogged mercilessly to pressurize them into admitting that she was really involved. But the nuns failed to company.

   Peter was bent upon humiliating Eudoxia and her son, Alexie Petrovich. He charged her of an illegitimate affair with an army officer named Glebov. Glebov was impaled and his friend, the Bishop of Rostov, was broken on a wheel. Eudoxia Lopukhina was banished to a remote Siberian convent to ultimately die of cold and hunger.

The Stealing of Atomic Secrets

    The Stealing of Atomic Secrets - Part 1

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Igor Gouzenko

   The disclosures that the former Soviet Union had organized a wide network of spies to steal the secrets of making an atom bomb, exploded in the face of its war time allies, U.S.A., England and Canada. They could hardly believe what the defector Igor Gouzenko had to tell them about this stealing. The Anglo-American group was spending money like water on this project, while the Russians got information regarding the atom bomb with ease. It certainly saved them a lot of time on research. This sensational spy scandal caused a permanent rift between the communist block on one side and the western allies on the other.

   Igor Gouzenko was greatly troubled. He had been working as cypher clerk to the military attaché in the Soviet legation in Ottawa. He was in Canada for the last two years and had immensely enjoyed his stay. He did not want to go back to the rigorous life in the Soviet Union after having tasted the pleasures of a free Society in Canada. His wife Swetlana and son Andrei were also perturbed about going back to Russia.

   It was really a “do or die” decision for him. Either he swims or sinks, he thought as he made up his mind to defect. He amassed a stack of secret papers from the “Soviet Legation”, copies of cables from and to Moscow agent index cards with cover names and pages from the case book of the military attache, Colonel Nicolai Zabotin. The papers also revealed the workings of a spy ring which was supplying information to the Soviet Union that enabled Russia to catch up with the Western countries in the manufacture of atomic weapons.

Emperor of Russia-Peter the Great

      Peter the Great - Tsar of Russia (Part-2)

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Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich

   Peter was a man of harsh and volatile temperament. Human life was of no consequence to him and models of justice he ignored at will. He did not spare even the woman he loved and flirted with and made them not only bend but break before him.

   He had his first wife locked in a convent (monkery) and later she was ordered to take to the veil. He ordered his first mistress, Anna Ivanova Mons, into prison on learning that she had another lover. He had a short affair with one Marie Hamilton who later chose to mart Peter’s assistant, Ivan Orlov and gave birth to a child who died soon thereafter. Peter charged her of infanticide and sentenced her to death. Peter personally attended her execution.

   When Peter was 25 years old, he declared that he had discovered a plot against his life. The conspirators aimed at the re-establishment of Sophia’s regency with Peter’s infant son on the throne. Peter let loose a reign of terror and put a number of his military officers through torture chambers and executed them.

   As many as 1,700 men and women were charged with sedition. They were interrogated and mercilessly whipped which tore their flesh, their bones broken on the wheel and grilled on slow fire. Most of them, unable to bear the torture, made false confessions to the sedition charges. Then there were mass executions. Gallows and execution blocks were erected in the Red Square, around the convent in which Sophia was detained. Peter personally kept a record of executions in his diary: On September 30, 201 men were sent to gallows on October 11, 144: on October 12, 205; on October 13, 144; on October 17, 109; on October 18, 63; on October 19, 106; and on October 20 it was 2.

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

The founder of British Secret Service-Sir Vernon Kell

The founder of British Secret Service - Sir Vernon Kell (Part-2)

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Vernon Kell and his company

   The Germans made another attempt to throw a spy ring in Britain, but they could make absolutely no headway. Vernon Kell had appealed to the public through the newspapers that it should help to get the German spies arrested by giving full information regarding suspicious characters. Information regarding suspected spies started to poor in. the room of a Norwegian journalist was searched because he was to quiet and kept himself detached from people. The journalist did turn out to be a foreign spy. He was found in possession of invisible ink which has been kept in a bottle labeled as “throat wash”.

   It was Vernon Kell who was responsible for the arrest of Carl Hans Lody, a German spy residing in America. His arrest led to the decisive victory over Germany by the British. In the year 1914 Carl Hans Lody reached Scotland posing to be a tourist in the month of September. He sent a telegram to his Swedish contact which read, ”Hope we will soon defeat the wretched Germans.”

Peter the Great-Emperor of Russia

  Peter the Great-Emperor of Russia (Part-1)

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Peter the Great
   Peter the Great was a clever despot. His full name was Peter Alekseyevich Romanov. He had fits of manic-depression in which he would indulge in the worst kinds of brutalities and take delight in them. Typically of his horribly cruel behavior was the way he treated hundreds of men and women who, he alleged, were plotting to overthrow him. They were mercilessly whipped which tore their flesh, their bones were broken on the wheel and then grilled on slow fire. Could the Devil be more ruthless than him?

   Tsar Alexis Mikhailovich’s fourteenth child was Peter (total sixteen, but two of them died in childhood). Nathalie Naryshkina’s was Tsar Alexis’s second wife and Peter was her first child, Peter was merely three years old at the time of the Tsar’s death in 1676. Tsar Alexis was succeeded by his eldest son, Fedor, a boy of 14, from his first wife Maria Miloslavskaya. Fedor was sickly and he died childless at 20. He left a brother, Ivan - a half-blind and mentally deficient boy of 15.

   Immediately after the death of Fedor (April 27, 1682) Peter’s mother succeeded in nominating Peter as his, successor. This was resented by Sophia Alexseyevna Romanov, the eldest of the six daughters of Peter’s father by his first wife. Sophia organized a military revolt which began on March 15 and resulted in the brutal murder of Peter’s maternal uncles and other supporters. She took control of the government in her hands on May 17. On May 26, she announced Ivan the first and Peter the second Tsar and herself became the regent for the duration of the minority of her brothers. She first refused regency, as a comic act on her part, and then accepted it on May 29, 1682. Thus she became Russia’s first woman ruler since the rule of Princess Olga in the tenth century. Sophia was not beautiful by any count. She was madly in love with Prince Vasili Golitsin, one of her father’s advisers, and he became Sophia’s most trusted counselor.

Sir Vernon Kell-The founder of British Secret Service

       Sir Vernon Kell, the founder of British Secret Service (Part-1)

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Sir Vernon Kell, the founder of MI-5

Sir Vernon Kell, the man who failed all the attempts of Germany to win the First World War. He was the founder of British Secret Service, MI-5, succeeded in getting all information from the German spy, Carl Hans Lody. This helped to defeat Kaiser’s German Army during the First World War. During his term Sir Vernon Kell displayed a rare kind of skill and insight which helped Britain to get rid of all German spies.

   With the beginning of the 20th century the German dictator Kaiser Wilhelm II started preparations for attacking Britain. In the year 1902 the German spies had begun to infiltrate into Britain. Within seven to eight years, German spied had spread themselves all over England. Every bit of information was being sent to Germany. A counter espionage organization was formed in Britain. It was called MO-5 which was later changed MI-5. Till today this is Britain’s largest espionage organization. Captain Vernon Kell was the founder of this organization. With a rare kind of skill he was able to break the German Spy Wing, which was an event of historical importance.

   Vernon Kell did something very unusual. He attached his own organization to the Special Branch of the Scotland Yard. Patrick Quinn, the Superintendent of the Scotland Yard Special Branch gave his full cooperation to Vernon Kell. This helped a great deal towards the success of MI-5. In 1910 Kaiser Wilhelm II came to Britain to attend the funeral of King Edward VII. His delegation included a Naval Captain, who often visited a barber’s shop on London’s Caledoniam Road. Vernon Kell had long suspected that the shop had something to do with the German spies, as it was run by a German called Carl Gustav Ernst. Vernon Kell thought that a person who had come with the royal delegation could easily get a barber called to his residence for hair cut. To get his suspicions confirmed, Vernon Kell got the officer followed by his own men. Letters addressed to the barber were also opened and read.

Wednesday, March 26, 2014

A Crazy Despot-Idi Amin

 A Crazy Despot - Idi Amin (Part-3)

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Brutality of Idi Amin
A Debauchee:

   Idi Amin has been a debauchee too. His harem was full of women during his Presidency and he sired hundreds of children purposefully. He thought of living behind him a whole tribe known by his name.

   Officially Idi Amin had only four wives. The first, Sarah, known as “Mama Maliam”, was married to him in 1958. The second, Kay, was the daughter of a Protestant priest. The third was Norah and the fourth Medina. He would keep all his children with him in the presidential palace. He misused the Muslim law on divorce on March 26, 1974, when all of a sudden in a public function he divorced his first three wives- Maliam, kay and Norah, by repeating the word “talaq” three times. Idi Amin was so engrossed with his fourth wife, Medina, that he neglected the other three who established illegal relationship with other men. Kay was so full of venom that in order to take revenge upon her husband, she became pregnant by her lover. Idi Amin was so incensed that he put them behind bars and killed their lovers. Maliam and kay escaped and fled from Uganda and Norah was murdered by him. She was dismembered and her breasts were spitted from her body while alive. Then he got her corpse stitched, covered it by a sheet up to neck called her children and told them that their mother was a whore.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

The Mysterious Murderer-Jack the Ripper

 The Mysterious Murderer-Jack the Ripper (Part 3)

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Mary Kelly
   Jack the Ripper’s last and sixth victim was a 35 years old prostitute, Mary Kelly. Quite a large crowd had assembled at No. 13, Miller’s Court in East London, when Inspector Beck and Detective Walter Drew arrived to investigate. They felt that they had come to slaughter house. It looked as if her body had been cut up as a demonstration of the art of dissection. Pieces of flesh were hanging from picture nails on the walls. She had been disemboweled. Her heart and kidney were placed on a table beside her severed breasts. Her face had been thoroughly mutilated and the nose and ears sliced off. Her throat had been slit open. Inspector Beck wrote afterwards, “ What I saw when I pushed back an old coat and peeped through a broken pane of glass into the sordid little room which Mary Kelly called her home, was too harrowing to be described. It remains with me–and always will remain-as the most gruesome memory of the whole of my police career.” The police deduced that Jack the Ripper must have spent at least two hours in cutting Mary Kelly. It took a team of surgeons six hours to sew the body together.

Idi Amin-A Crazy Despot

    Idi Amin - A Crazy Despot (Part-2)

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Idi Amin

Ghastly Murders:

   Simultaneously with the coup, an era of ghastly murders began in Uganda. The first on the list was the Chief of the Army staff, Brig Hussein. He was captured by the troops loyal to Idi Amin and taken to a maximum security Prison where he was clubbed with rifle butts and kicked in the presence of horrified jail warders. The dying officer was then loaded on to an armored military vehicle, driven out the prison and beating with rifle butts was resumed.

   Brig Hussein succumbed to the ghastly treatment meted out to him. His body was decapitated. His head was put on Idi Amin’s table, where he harangued it. Then it was kept in a fridge overnight.

   Idi Amin ordered some of the men he suspected of disloyalty to be thrown behind the bars at Makindye prison. At dusk, a group of army officers would enter the barrack where these people were kept and started beating them mercilessly. Their bellies were gashed with curved knives, and before dawn their corpses were loaded on a military carrier and dumped at various sites. The next morning the prisoners in the adjoining cell were ordered to clean the floor of the barrack with scrubbing brushes and water.  According to an eye-witness “the blood on the floor was a quarter of an inch thick. There were pieces of skill, teeth, brain tissue and dozens of empty shell cases.”

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Jack the Ripper- The Mysterious Murderer

Jack the Ripper-The Mysterious Murderer (Part-2)

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Newspaper headline about Jack the Ripper

   The third victim was 47 years old Annie Chapman, known to her friends as “Dark Annie”. There was a gap only eight days between the second and third murder. It was 7th September and Annie badly needed four pence to hire a bed for the night. She was seen staggering near 29, Hanbury Street around two in the night. Her body was discovered at dawn as passing people shouted “murder, murder”. Her entrails were hanging at the door of a woman who sold cat’s meat. The murder had been carried out in the usual brutal and vicious manner. Some coins and two brass rings were lying at her feet. The stomach had been opened and the intestines had been lifted from the body and placed on the shoulder of the corpse. Her neck had been nearly severed. The knife used must have been at least five inches long and the Coroner declared, “An unskilled person could not have done this, only someone used to the post-mortem room.” Through a handkerchief was tied to the neck, the blood must have flown freely. This led the Times to wonder as to how the murdered could get away from the scene undetected. It wrote, ”reeking with blood, and yet,.......he must have walked in broad daylight along streets comparatively well frequented, even at that early hour, without his startling appearance attracting attention.” The newspaper thought that the killer must be living in that area and must have gone to his house to remove all traces of his hideous crime. Other journals including Punch vehemently criticized the police and their inability to arrest the murdered. George Bernard Shaw, the eminent write, wrote an angry letter to Star.

   It was certain that the killer was an audacious person. In between the murders, he wrote sarcastic letters to the police ridiculing their inefficiency and working methods. He even threw a challenge to them to catch him if they could. He informed that he was going to kill someone in the near future. The police could neither arrest him nor had any idea regarding his identity. The papers were giving wide publicity to these murders by Jack the Ripper. They also vehemently criticized the tardy manner in which the police was dealing with these gruesome murders. The police Commissioner, Sir Charles Warren, would not even send his policemen to the site of murder. He would send his police dogs. His Deputy, Sir Robert Anderson, displayed his indifference to these murders by going out to Switzerland for a month’s holiday.

Idi Amin-the Hitler of Uganda

  Idi Amin - The Hitler of Uganda (Part-1)

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Idi Amin

   The diabolic deeds created by Idi Amin are legion. But what give a particularly inhuman edge to these acts are the elements of sexual willfulness that was a part of it. Suffering from a venereal disease himself, Idi Amin reveled in perpetrating sexual torture on his opponents. He was a cannibal and openly announced his preference for salted human flesh. His former Health Minister vouchsafed that he would often visit hospital morgues to taste the human body and flesh. Could Satan be more evil than Idi Amin?

   Idi Amin was born in 1928 at Koboko, the smallest country in Uganda’s West Nile district. He was better known as “the Hitler of Uganda”. Idi Amin’s father was a marginal farmer, his parents separated at his birth and he had a distraught childhood. His mother was what use to be described as a camp follower. After some time, she started living with a man about her age. In 1954, she moved into Jinja barracks to live with Corporal Yasin, a clerk in King’s African Rifles. Corporal Yasin was in his early twenties and about half her age. She practiced witchcraft and Yasin got tired of her and turned her out. A few days later, Yasin reported sick and before he could be medically examined, he died.

   Idi Amin first served as a laborer at the sugar plantations owned by the Mehtas, the millionaire industrialist from Gujarat in India, who were the first Asian to be expropriated and thrown out of Uganda when Idi Amin assumed power.

   Idi Amin joined the King’s African Rifles in 1946 as an assistant cook. He was six feet four inches in height and one quintal (One hundred kg) in weight.  He became Ugandan heavyweight boxing champion and held the title for nine years. His officers found him obedient, though a bit short in grey matter.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Jack the Ripper-The Mysterious Murderer

  The Mysterious Murderer - Jack the Ripper (Part 1)

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Jack the Ripper
   The mystery that could never be solved. Who was this mysterious murderer, who not only killed but carved the bodies of his victims like an expert surgeon? There were many theories regarding his identity and motive, but the truth could never be found out. For three months this devilish killer created terror in the East End area of London. Only the poor, famished and economically weak people lived in this section of London. Living a life that could only be described as living hell, the knife of Jack the Ripper added terror and misery to it. All his victims were prostitutes who roamed the streets at night selling their bodies for a small amount of money. He was brave enough to write mocking letters to the police daring them to arrest him. Once, he sent the kidney of his victim in a parcel, claiming that he had fried and eaten the other one. And then, the murders stopped as suddenly as they began.

   It was called the Bank Holiday Monday. It was on this day on August 6, 1888, that a mysterious murderer made his debut in the East End area of London. Soon, it came to be known as “Black Monday”, as Jack the Ripper committed his first murder on that day. It was not that murder was something uncommon in the area. But, the brutal and horrendous manner in which it was carried out sent shock waves throughout London. From then on for three months, London’s East End lived under the terror of this devilish killer who selected only prostitutes as his victims. It was in this hellish atmosphere that Jack the Ripper knifed six prostitutes to death for no apparent reason.

Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Target Manchuria

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John T. Downey

  Target Manchuria

   The working methods of Chinese intelligence agencies generally remain in the dark. Very little is heard about them. There have been only two cases that throw some light on their modus operandi and efficiency. One of them is the unsuccessful operation known as “Target Manchuria”. It demonstrated to the world that the Chinese also do not lag behind in counter intelligence operations.

   John T. Downey, who worked as a trainer of agents in CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) could hardly imagine that he would find himself in a soup in his very first mission. But, fate decreed that he had to spend the next twenty years in a prison. Actually, it was not his job to go to Manchurian. His job was to train the Taiwanese against for dropping into China during the Korean War. But, he decided to go with them just for his experiences.

   He started from Seoul (South Korea) on November 29, 1952, with nine Taiwanese agents. They had to go to the Manchurian. These agents had to be dropped there and sum other agents working in another part of China had to be picked up. John T. Downey was accompanied by another CIA man, Richard Fecteau.

Sunday, March 9, 2014

Bodies that Do not Decay

      Bodies that Do not Decay - Part 2

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The Mummies of the Capuchin monks

   The mummies of the Capuchin monks are a good example of the bodies that do not decay. Furthermore, the sites of burial are at times chosen in such a way that decomposition is delayed. The case of the Capuchin monks hanging like broken dolls in the catacombs in Palermo, Sicily, is well known. The bodies of the monks have not decayed although they were left exposed to the air. It was discovered that the air in these catacombs has the peculiar property of drying out the bodies and turning them into natural mummies.

   A 19th century traveler wrote about these mummies, “They are all dressed in the clothes they usually wore......the skin and muscles become as dry and hard as a piece of stockfish and through many of them have been here upward of two hundred and fifty years, yet none are reduced to skeletons.”

Mata Hari - The World Famous Sex Spy

    Mata Hari, the most famous Woman and Sex Spy in History - Part 2

mata hari-world famous sex spy
Mata Hari

   Mata Hari had spread a romantic story regarding herself. She said that she had been born in Malabar in South India, her mother was a dancer and that she had died during her birth. Mata Hari had also published that her name in childhood was Mata Hari and that she had been brought up in a Siva Temple. If we consider these words, her name appears to be quite significant as Mata Hari in India Language means a “Killer of one’s mother”.

   The popularity of Mata Hari, the black-haired beauty, began to touch the heights of fame. Just before the outbreak of the War, Mata Hari received espionage training in a school in Lorchi. In 1912 when the First World War broke out, Mata Hari was seen driving on the streets of Germany in the company of Berlin’s Police Chief. But at that time she was the citizen of a neutral country and her estate was in France. Mata Hari returned to Franc in 1913 in spite of the War. She gave up dancing and established herself as a fashionable personality.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Bodies that don’t Decay

         Bodies that don't Decay - Part 1

   Everybody must know about the mummies of the ancient Egyptian emperors, which were found inside the Pyramids in Egypt. But the strange thing is that, how is it that some people preserve dead bodies for years and years together? Not long ago a woman in India preserved the dead body of her husband for twelve long years. She not only preserved the body, but she bathed it daily and even slept in the same room. The case was too strange. It shook the loving sensibilities of the people. The press reported exhaustively on it and the woman was sent for a medical check-up.
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Mummy of Muhammad Marwe

   This is not the only case in the world. There are many others. What then is the reason for preserving a dead body and how do people do it? A little girl named Nadja Mattei died in 1965 in Rome, Italy. She was just two years old at the time of her death. Her mother put the body into a coffin. But for twelve years she continuously dreamt that her daughter was begging to be taken out of the coffin. So the devoted mother tried to convince the authorities to let her open the coffin. But all her efforts were unsuccessful till 1977, when finally the exhumation of Baby Nadja Mattei was granted. Then to every one’s surprise, the body was found to be completely free from rotting. 

   A similar incident occurred at Kano, North of Nigeria. An unorthodox Muslim religious group was led by a self-styled prophet, Muhammad Marwa. He had established himself in 1960s and had a enormous number of followers. But seemingly everything was not as peaceful as it should have been. The orthodox Muslims were against him. Finally the brewing tension exploded in December 1980. A violent riot took place in which as many as eight thousand people were killed. This heretical or unorthodox Muslim leader was also killed in that riot.

Sunday, February 16, 2014

Mata Hari, The Most Famous Woman Spy in History

mata hari-the most famous woman spy
The Most Famous Woman Spy

   The Most Famous Woman Spy in the History - Part 1

   The word Mata Hari means the “morning star”. A Dutch beauty called Gertrud Margrete Zelle had unsuccessfully tried to change the course of the First World War by working as a spy under the name of Mata Hari. She is the most well known sex spy of the modern age. She worked for German as a spy. The strongest weapon which she had was her unique sensual beauty which held great attention for the opposite sex. The French shot her dead after charging her with spying, but many experts believe that in spite of all her efforts Mata Hari never succeeded in finding out any very important secret. Another group feels that she was an extremely dangerous professional spy and she had not been shot dead, the outcome of the First World War would have been quite different.

   After learning the Hawaian dance in Java she became a cabaret dancer in Paris. There she would entertain Army Officers with her dances all through the night, she would send to Germans. In the list of Germans Spies, Mata Hari’s name bore the code number “H-21”. Even today there is a controversy whether Mata Hari succeeded or not in securing any vital information from Paris, Berlin and Madrid, the places where she was worked as a spy.

   In 1916, Mata Hari had been arrested by the British Secret Service in Falmouth, England from where she was going to Netherlands. There she was warned that if she did not give up attracting Army Officers by her sexual advances, she would be punished cruelly. Mata Hari did not heed this warning. Consequently she had to face the fire spouting machine guns of the Firing Squad.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

The Voice of Intuition

         The Voice of Intuition - Part 2

the voice of intuition-abraham lincoln
Abraham Lincoln

   Now we will consider about the politicians and statesmen. Abraham Lincoln, Winston Churchill, Franklin Roosevelt and a few others, were all guided by their very strong EPS (Extra-Sensory Perception) and followed the commands of their inner Voice of Intuition. They were listened their Voice of Intuition and were able to take decisions of very great consequence, involving the destinies of millions of the citizens of their country. We will just mention about the abolition of slavery which is attributed to Abraham Lincoln. A very young lady, Nettie Colburn Maynard, was very close to President Abraham Lincoln and while in trance is reported to have laid very great importance on the necessity of the elimination of slavery. Here Abraham Lincoln’s Voice of Intuition coupled with the message received through the young lady, Nettie Colburn Maynard, was the motivating force behind the historical decision taken by the President for the elimination of slavery.

Thursday, January 9, 2014

The Voice of Intuition

         The Voice of Intuition - Part 1

the voice of intuition-holiday inns
Charles Kemmons Wilson

   Herbert Raiffe, a manufacturer of toys had an intuition in 1971 that the toy pandas were going to be much in demand in the very near future. He listened carefully to the Voice of Intuition and immediately acted upon the guidance. He ordered to the officers of his factory that toy pandas be produced in large numbers. When the US President Richard Nixon went to China and came back with a gift of two pandas, the demand for these toys increased all of a sudden. But it was not a problem for Mr. Herbert Raiffe. He was fully prepared to meet the rapid increase in demand for the pandas. As a result, his factory earned very large profits.
   Now you can ask, what is the Voice of Intuition? Where does it come from? And how does it work?  There are lots of questions which arise in our mind, when we think of the hidden voice.

   In order to understand the Voice of Intuition, let us consider the following examples or stories, which are very simple and common what you can find your locality:

   1.  An educated poor man, named Thomas. He was without a job. He had a loving wife and a son. One fine evening his wife had felt in a flash that the problems of the family could be solved, if her husband went to see one of his very close friends. So, she said her husband accordingly. Thomas agreed with her and set out the next morning to meet his friend. While he was in the train, a Voice spoke to him that he was soon going to have a solution to his problem. He felt very much encouraged and was full of enthusiasm and joy. When he reached his friend, he found that another gentleman had also come to see his friend from the neighbor-hood. This gentleman was in need of an assistant in his office and the qualifications possessed by Thomas sufficiently met his requirements. It was a wonderful experience. Thomas was offered the job, which he very gladly accepted. When he returned to his home, his wife was very much happy to learn that their economic problems were soon going to end.

   Here the invisible Voice has acted twice. Firstly it active when his wife to advise Thomas to go to see his friend and secondly the Voice spoke to Thomas that soon he was going to have a solution to his problems when he was traveling in the train. On the both occasions, the Voice tried at the good of the family of Thomas.

Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Espionage under the Pope

       The Spies under the Pope

spies under the pope-spy scandals
The Vatican city

   In the eyes of the world, the Pope is the religious head of the Roman Catholic community. He is not supposed to favor in conspiracies and wet in worldly affairs. The exposures that came to light in 1940, disclosed that the Holy city of Vatican has its espionage set up which is quite active in the field. All this is supposed to be done in the name of religion.

   The second Thursday of the month of April, 1940, was eventful for the people of Moscow. By the same token, it was a very ill-fated day for the Pope. The Pope is the spiritual and religious head of the Roman Catholic in the world. It was the day, when the espionage activities being engineered with the connivance of the Pope in the Holy city of Vatican was exposed and laid bare for the entire world to see.

   That day, the police and internal security officers of the former Soviet Union presented a 48 years old, fair formed and healthy priest Bladimir Pulaki, in a special court in Moscow. It was to be an open hearing. The prosecution claimed, “This priest has been living in Moscow on a fake passport. He claims that he is a farmer from Uzbekistan. We know that he is lying. He is produced in the court for legal action.”